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Showing posts from June, 2012
In these early months since Rick's passing, I have been in a constant state of thinking...where do I go from here? Once again, I look to reinvent and redirect my life's plan. This state of limbo can be paralyzing. Nothing seems to make sense or to seem appropriate. Where do I now belong? What shall I do next? During Rick's journey with cancer, I spent much time researching diet changes and nutrition (because this was a priority to Rick). There are so many eye opening studies that teach us that we are what we eat. One thing that I remember reading, was that God has given us all we need to cure ourselves...mainly by taking responsibility of what we eat.    Up until this turning point in my life, my life's mantra has been...Everything is better with butter! Rick always leaned to the healthier side of the menu and gently tried to introduce me to this sort of thinking. Juicing vegetables was a whole new thought process for me...until the cancer!  I have al