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Mom's Cranberry Mousse Pie

Written for the River Current publication; December 19, 2013

Not my best pic.  I was cooking for a house full
 of teenagers and didn't have much time to fuss!
It was delish just the same!

In most of my writings I often include a little blurb or story about the happenings in my life.  Today I would be remiss if I did not share the recent passing of my dear sweet Mother. 

On my drive to Marysville earlier this week, the thought came to me that it would be a beautiful thing if I wrote down some thoughts about my Mother to share at her funeral.  I began composing in my head and the words came easily as I was making the drive to Marysville.  

When I got home later that evening; in the quiet hours of the night, the words flowed effortlessly onto my laptop.  Funny, it is easiest for me when writing from my heart…the words seem to flow quickly and easily through my fingers. 

I had my youngest print them out for me the following morning and upon arriving at the funeral home, I asked the minister if he would be so kind as to read what I had written for me.  In my heart I knew it would be too difficult for me to share these thoughts out loud.

The one thing that I shared about my Mother was her joy of celebrating each and every season.  She would lovingly decorate our home; as well as plan and prepare glorious meals reflective of each season.  It was my Mother who inspired my joy of cooking and sharing that joy with others.  For my Mother and myself, it is a reflection of our love for others. 

The season ahead is full of traditions and social gatherings that often revolve around food and our interpretations of such.  Gather friends and family around your tables and share in the simple joy of celebrating your love for each other. 

My Mother loved to experiment with new recipes (just as I do) and then use us as her eager testers.   This is a recipe that my Mom would have enjoyed.  It is indicative of the holiday season and includes two of her favorite things…chocolate and whipped cream.  It’s as festive as it is delicious. 

Wishing you and your family a blessed holiday season!

Mom’s Cranberry Mousse Pie

½ lb. of fresh or frozen cranberries
½ cup sugar, divided
¼ cup orange juice
1 tsp. orange zest
¼ tsp. ground ginger
½ Tbsp. unflavored gelatin; softened in 1 Tbsp. orange juice
1 cup whipping cream
1 chocolate graham cracker crust

1. In a medium saucepan, combine cranberries, ¼ cup sugar, orange juice, orange zest and ginger.  Bring to a boil, stirring frequently.  Lower heat to medium low and cook, stirring frequently until cranberries break down; about 15 minutes.  Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

2. Combine gelatin and 1 Tbsp. orange juice in a small saucepan.  Heat over medium low heat until gelatin liquefies.  (You can also do this in the microwave.) Pour into the cranberry mixture in a steady stream, stirring while adding.  Scrape into a bowl and chill about 20 minutes. 

3. Beat cream and remaining ¼ cup of sugar until stiff.  Fold into cranberry mixture and spoon into chocolate graham cracker crust.  Chill at least 3 hours before serving.  Garnish with shaved chocolate.



  1. This recipe looks amazing. I might just make it with my boys for one of our Christmas parties.
    Sending you peace and love,

  2. Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular post! It's the little changes that will make the largest changes.
    Thanks for sharing!


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