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Written for The River Current publication

Time for a Large Pot of ‘Get Better Soup’

My mother always said it wasn’t nice to brag or boast.  My mother was right.  Last week I wrote about the dilemma of the dreaded Office Cold.  I boastfully shared that I “had dodged the bullet”. 

A couple of days before my boastful column even made the paper; with panic, I began to feel those all too familiar symptoms that signal the dreaded cold virus was moving in…my sinuses began to ache, my nose began to run and my throat was feeling a little scratchy.  Wouldn't you know, I had been braggadocios and now was about to pay the price.

It was time to pump up the immunity boosters I had just written about…Vitamin C, D, E, selenium, quercetin, CoQ10 and even a probiotic beverage (kombucha) that I was pleased to find at Kroger’s.  It was time my friends for a full blown Germ Warfare! 

I headed to the kitchen and scrimmaged through the cupboards and found the ingredients to make a large pot of chicken and noodle soup.  When my boys were younger and not feeling well, I would always head to the kitchen and make for them a steamy pot of chicken and noodle soup.  We endearingly called it, “Get Better Soup” and it always seemed to be a welcomed remedy.

Nothing beats homemade chicken and noodle soup when it comes to healthy comfort food. The power of this soup lies in its list of nutritious ingredients. Whether you have a cold, the flu or are just feeling a bit under the weather, homemade chicken and noodle soup is a tasty way to nourish your body.

This healthy soup starts with organic chicken. USDA-certified poultry is free of hormones, antibiotics and preservatives. Load your soup up with organic vegetables like carrots, onions, celery and leeks and simmer them in a low-sodium organic chicken broth. Use whole-grain noodles to boost your fiber intake. Experiment with the herbs/seasonings that you find most appealing.  

Chicken and noodle soup packs a nutritional wallop, including lean protein in the chicken, vitamins and minerals in the vegetables and herbs and complex carbohydrates in the noodles. The warm, steamy broth even seems to be especially helpful for relieving congestion and soothing a sore throat.

Unfortunately, I didn’t completely dodge the cold germ bullet.  Perhaps it was inevitable, but with the right weapons, I trust it won’t be sticking around too long!  

Get Better Soup
2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 organic chicken breast; cooked and cut into small pieces
¼ chopped organic carrots
¼ chopped organic onion
¼ chopped organic celery
¼ cup flour
32 oz. low-sodium organic chicken broth
1 cup water
1 clove of garlic; crushed
2-3 leaves of fresh thyme, coarsely chopped (I had this on hand.  You could also substitute dried herbs of your choice.)
Whole-grain noodles
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Melt butter in large stock pot.  Add chopped carrots, onion and celery.  Cook veggies over medium heat until tender; approximately 10-15 minutes.  Add garlic and cook an additional minute.
2.  Sprinkle the veggies with flour; stirring to combine. 
3.  Slowly add the chicken broth and water; stirring constantly to avoid any lumps of flour.  Bring to a boil. 
4.  Add chicken; cover and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, allowing the flavors to combine.
5.  Return to a boil; add the noodles and cook according to the package directions.
6.  Season with salt, pepper and thyme.


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