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Strawberry Symphony

(Written for the River Current publication, Thursday, January 24, 2013)

I have another breakfast recipe that I wanted to share with you; a recipe that Zach and I enjoyed over his winter break from college.  Most mornings I would ramble off a list of options for his breakfast consumption; always including a smoothie as an option.  Making a smoothie is fast and the cleanup is even faster, which would of course make it one of my favorite choices!  He however, was not always in the mood for a smoothie.  One morning he agreed, and the results were a winner. 

I know it isn’t brain surgery to make a smoothie, but often it is a matter of finding that ‘right combination’ of ingredients to throw into the blending pitcher.  I have made a few that he has not always been so thrilled with.  Our creamy Strawberry Symphony Smoothie was a hit.  Webster’s describes a symphony as a harmony of sounds.  Our smoothie concoction was a true harmony of flavors and texture.  I chuckled as I walked into the kitchen and saw him standing there, with his long smoothie straw sticking right into the blending pitcher…..enjoying every last drop that might have been left in the bottom. 

I am lucky to have a freezer stocked with frozen strawberries from last year.  When you find yourself with some leftover fruits (or even better yet, find fruits that are on special), throw them in your freezer and they will be ready for your next smoothie adventure.  Strawberries pack a big punch when it comes to nutritional benefits.   Here are just a few for you to consider:  strawberries promote better eye health with their antioxidant properties, boost immunity with their Vitamin C, help fight cancer, keep wrinkles at bay, fight bad cholesterol, reduce inflammation, regulate blood pressure, boost fiber and promote good pre-natal health!   The ingredient list is not long or difficult…try whirling together your own symphony of flavors to start your day.


2 cups frozen unsweetened strawberries
1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
6 oz. Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt, Vanilla
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
½ cup fresh orange juice
Generous sprinkle of cinnamon

Nutrition Profile, 2 servings:
(Check out this long list of good stuff!)
Calories 250.9                                   
Total Fat 1.5 g
Saturated Fat 0.3 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2 g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.1 g
Cholesterol 22 mg
Sodium 57 mg
Potassium 719 mg
Total Carbohydrate 45.6 g
Dietary Fiber 5.8 g
Sugars 21.8 g
Protein 16.8 g
Vitamin A 7%
Vitamin B-12 5%
Vitamin B-6  9%
Vitamin C 226%
Vitamin E 3%
Calcium 62%
Copper 11%
Folate 18%
Iron 9%
Magnesium 19%
Manganese 86%
Niacin 8%
Pantothenic Acid  8%
Phosphorus  59%
Riboflavin 17%
Selenium 2%
Thiamin 16%
Zinc 2%
(Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.)


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