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Brain Drained in Austin

I stood in the street to take this picture while a sweet gal said;
"Hurry up....look behind you....there are cars coming!"

I haven't shared much lately with my Butter Girl friends for the last couple of weeks.  I have been submerged in studying; all in preparation for nutrition classes and testing in Austin last week.  Due to my own procrastination, I found myself freaking out with all that I had left to do prior to our classes last weekend.  Regardless of the age of the student, there are still those of us who seem to be proficient at 'not doing today, what possibly could be done tomorrow'. 
Nonetheless and with GREAT relief, I did pass all of my testing!  Glory hallelujah!  Once again, I felt like the lone nutrition soldier who knew less than others.  I can't tell you how many times in my life that I have wished for a stronger sense of self-confidence!   I can only hope to take that sense of 'knowing less' and try to keep on my game and be ready to bust some bootie next time!  I shall keep my nose buried in the books and once again drive my friends and family crazy with my 'absence'.  Not to worry friends and family, I will be back and I will have lots and lots of information to share!
While we are in our nutrition classes it is fun to enjoy the healthy snacks that the instructors bring in to share with us.  Now you are going to think that this one sounds  seriously CRAZY...but they were delish and by far, one of my favorites.  Thanks Lisa for sharing this yummy treat with us.  Lisa brought these in with a small request.  That we all think of a different name for these little snacks.  I thought the name was great...why change it, I will never forget it!
Lisa's Coco Roaches
I don't have exact measurements for this one, but here are the basic instructions:

1. Mix equal parts coconut oil and ghee. (ghee is basically clarified butter)
2. Spread a small amount of this mixture in the middle of a medjool date* that has been halved and pitted.
3. Top with a toasted pecan and a sprinkle of sea salt.
I wish I had a picture.  They do admittedly resemble a roach.  But don't panic, they are absolutely delicious.  Thanks Lisa!

*Medjool dates only contain about 66 calories each. They are a good source of fiber and contain high levels of the essential minerals potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese. Most do contain a significant amount of fruit sugar, but this can make them a good alternative to more caloric desserts. In the Middle East where they grow wild, they are a popular food for nomadic travelers as they provide a lot of energy and healthful nutrients.  Yum!



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