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Snack Attack

I have a problem.  I love snacks.  Crunchy snacks, not necessarily the sweet stuff.  Looking back, I remember a friend of mine that I worked with referring to my food intake as a "Cracker Diet".  "You and your cracker diet", she would say.  I would often pack my lunch with...cheese, crackers, yogurt and some sort of veggie...typically, carrots, because they are easy. 
And I always had a stash of crackers in my desk.  Is that weird?  Not candy bars or candy...crackers. 
Now with my nutrition studies, I guess you could say I am paranoid to eat my beloved crunchy snacks.  Now I know that the crackers that I used to enjoy are full of processed, not-good-for-you stuff.  Darn.  What's a girl to do?
Well, as Martha-ish as this sounds, I have found a very simple recipe for making my own crackers at home.  Please don't roll your eyes.  They are very, very easy to make and  now that I personally know what is in them, I can enjoy my crackers once again!
Now I just need to plan a trip to a local dairy (Blue Jacket Dairy) and buy some of their delicious cheeses to go with my fav crunchy snack....crackers!  Yum!  I'm so easy to
Good for You Crackers
3 cups of organic white whole wheat flour (or any flour that you have!)
2 tsp. raw sugar
2 tsp. sea salt
2 Tbsp. EVOO
1 cup filtered water
1. Mix dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. 
2. Make a well in the center and add the wet ingredients.
3. Gently mix ingredients together and then roll out on a lightly floured surface.  (You might need to allow the dough mixture to 'rest' for about 10 minutes before rolling out.)  I actually rolled the dough directly onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Here's the important part....roll very thin.  This will allow for a nice 'crispy' cracker when they come out of the oven.
4. Lightly brush the dough with H2O and then sprinkle with your choice of herbs and/or seeds. Lightly press the seeds into the dough and then place your crackers in the oven. *
5. I used a pizza cutter to quickly cut the crackers prior to baking.  Actually, if you were super motivated you could cut the crackers into fun shapes with little cookie cutters.  (Now that might be a little over the top...but for a special occasion..perfect!)
6. Bake at 450 degrees for 12 - 15 minutes or until nicely browned.  Inititially, I wanted to 'underbake'...don't be afraid of baking until nicely browned.
*I like to add different toppings to the dough once it is rolled out.  I have a version which I call...Bird Seed crackers, which includes poppy seeds, sesame seeds and a little extra sprinkle of sea salt. 
LOL...I remember my mother always saying that I "ate like a bird"...well, what better for me then, than my own homemade Bird Seed Crackers!  Enjoy!!  (Your friends will be super impressed too! )



  1. I'm a sucker for wheat thins... and I proudly walked past the isle today, haha.

    Now I really want some wine, crackers and cheese! I'll have to try this.

  2. Stop over Olivia. I stopped at Blue Jacket Dairy today and picked up a variety of their yummy cheeses. Now I've got the wine, crackers and cheese...partay!


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