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Food Police

Written for the River Current Publication, June 27, 2013

Being a ‘foodie ’ is something that must run in my genes.  My brother has had a successful catering business for years and is well-known for his accomplished skills with amazing grilled meats and all of the yummy foods that go along with that sort of fare. 

Once in a while; if he is short staffed or expecting a large crowd, he will ask me to help him out.  It is always a hoot to spend time in his kitchen, prepping food in such large quantities.  I have always said I feel as though I am preparing food for the Jolly Green Giant…huge bowls, mixers and always such large quantities of food…it is all an amazing feat for me, who is now most often cooking for only one or two.

A couple weekends ago I helped him at a street festival in Marysville.  It was fun to see and chat with people from the town where I grew up so many years ago.   I was having a good conversation with a gal who was proudly holding onto a cupcake that she had just purchased from a vendor next door to our location.   It was a white cupcake called, Billy Idol’s White Wedding Cupcake.  (Cute name!)

She asked me what I was doing now and I told her that I had just recently completed my classes in nutrition therapy.  She then said, “Oh dear, you are probably horrified because I am standing here with this cupcake.  And on top of that, I am a diabetic.” 

For starters, I am not the food police and certainly hope to not make others feel uncomfortable.  I am not here to judge others for what they choose to eat.   Yes, her cupcake combined with her diabetic history probably wasn’t the best of choices. 

I told her that a ‘once in a while splurge’ most likely did not define her daily food intake.  We are all dietetic sinners.  It’s not so much what we eat some of the time; but rather what we eat most of the time! 

As we all find ourselves in the middle of grilling season, here is a yummy side dish for you to try.  It has been found that eating colored vegetables is better for your overall health and studies show can even stave off certain types of cancer.  

Colorful Summer Slaw
3 Tbsp. cider vinegar
3 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp. honey
3 Tbsp. olive oil
3 cups coleslaw mix
2 cups shredded red cabbage
1 yellow or red bell pepper, sliced
1 Tbsp. poppy seeds, toasted
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Whisk together: vinegar, lime juice and honey in large bowl.  Slowly add oil; whisking   to combine.
2. Add remaining ingredients.   Season with salt and pepper and toss to combine. 
3. Cover and let chill at least 1 hour to let flavors develop.



  1. Enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for all of the great ideas.

  2. It is always great to hear when others are enjoying my 'words'...THANK YOU!!

  3. That looks delish! I'm hungry now. And I love the "We are all dietetic sinners." I have brownies in my oven as I type this (laughing).

    Oh I saw Zach at the pool the other day, I would have said hello but I didn't want to distract him :) We should go swimming!


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